Scholarship Available
Mesa County, Colo. — Sheriff Matt Lewis announced today that a $500.00 scholarship, sponsored by the County Sheriff's of Colorado Inc, will be awarded to a Mesa County student this spring. This is the 37th year that County Sheriffs of Colorado has made such scholarships available. A scholarship will be awarded in more than thirty Colorado counties this year. Applications will be reviewed by a local citizens committee appointed by Sheriff Lewis, and a selection will be made on the basis of criteria established by CSOC. This criterion includes leadership, merit, character, involvement and career purpose.Scholarship announcements have been mailed to all high school offices in the eligible counties and to all Colorado higher education institutions. The applications are due to the Mesa County Sheriff's Office, Attn: Sgt. Henry Stoffel by February 26, 2016. More information and applications are available online at, online at or at the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office, located at 215 Rice Street.