Sexually Violent Predator Changes Address within County

MESA COUNTY, Colo - This public notice is intended to make our community aware that a registered sex offender, classified as a sexually violent predator, is moving within the county. Further details about this offender and his new location,
Click here and choose the Mark Allen Pagel Community Bulletin from our County web page about sexually violent predators in Mesa County.
A 'sexually violent predator' is a term branded by the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board, who classifies a convicted sex offender with this additional descriptor. Mark Allen Pagel, 39, of Mesa County, has served his convicted sentence in the Colorado Department of Corrections prison facilities as ordered by a Judge. Pagel registered with the Mesa County Sheriff's Office and listed his new residence with our agency, per compliance with registration laws. Pagel remains current with all his registration requirements.

All community notification bulletins for all current SVPs registered with our agency are on our agency website, to view them,
click here. In addition, we highly recommend you watch a
12 minute video that talks about SVPs and all registered sex offenders, resources and other useful information specific to Mesa County. For current information on all registered sex offenders in Mesa County, visit our countywide joint
website, and be sure to choose the link to enroll up to five physical addresses and be notified if a registered sex offender or new registered sex offender moves into a designated area around the addresses you input. This is an extremely useful tool.
If you have information regarding current criminal activity of this or any other offender, please call 911 for an emergency. If you observe this offender engaging in any high risk or inappropriate behavior, please contact the Mesa County Sheriff's Office, patrol units, by calling 911 or (970) 242-6707. If you have questions or need education handouts, please contact Mesa County Sex Offender Registrar Jennifer Jenkel at (970) 244-3206, or her direct supervisor Sgt. Henry Stoffel (970) 244-3973.
Most sex crimes are never reported and most offenders are never detected. The greatest risk of sex offense is from people you know. The information provided herein (on the embedded community bulletin) is current and accurate as of the date, but is subject to change.
The purpose of this notification is to enhance public safety and protection. Vigilantism, or use of this information to harass, threaten or intimidate anyone associated with this notification will not be tolerated.
This law enforcement agency has no legal authority to direct where a sex offender may live (however, we make it public information so citizens can be aware and educate themselves). Unless court restrictions exist, they are constitutionally free to live wherever they choose. Sex offenders have always lived in our community, but they were not required to notify law enforcement of their residence until registration laws were implemented pursuant to the
Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act. Law enforcement may now share that information with members of the community, and in the case of sexually violent predators, law enforcement must actively notify citizens. This blog posting is only one of the means we are getting this information out to citizens of Mesa County.