Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#PolTwt November 1st

Local LE Agencies to participate in Second Global Police Tweet-a-Thon

Mesa County Sheriff’s Office and the Grand Junction Police Department Will Join More Than 100 Participating Agencies Across Six Countries to Take to Twitter Nov 1st.

Mesa County, Colo. -  On Nov 1, starting at 8 a.m., law enforcement agencies around the world will connect via Twitter to participate in a 24-hour Tweet-a-thon to bring attention to the use of social media by law enforcement. Agencies will tweet using the same hashtag, #poltwt, to create awareness about police work and issues police face as well as to promote the use of social media in policing.

“We use social media to connect directly with the citizens of Mesa County and give them an outlet to connect direct with us,” Sheriff Stan Hilkey said. “Taking our message globally, even for a day, brings awareness to the great things law enforcement does in the Grand Valley.”

“Social Media is an important communication tool for our citizens,” said Grand Junction Police Chief John Camper. “It allows us to push important information out to our community, while also receiving direct feedback and comments from those we serve, so that together we can keep Grand Junction a safe place to live.”

"We have participation from agencies in New Zealand and Kenya all over Europe, Canada and the US.” said Lauri Stevens, founder of LAwS Communications and organizer of the Global Police Tweet-a-thon. "We’re calling attention to the great police work being done globally as well as connecting cops around the world.”

Any agency can join the Tweet-a-thon and tweet any portion of the 24-hour period.  

In addition, GJPD and MCSO will use this opportunity to promote #GVCopBeat, which is a local thread for those interested in law enforcement news happening in the Grand Valley.

For more information


Lauri Stevens                                          Kate Porras                                              Heather Benjamin
LAwS Communications                            Grand Junction Police Department         Mesa County Sheriff’s Office   
978-764-9887                                         970-549-5114                                         970-244-3929

lauri@lawscomm.net                               katep@gjcity.org                                     Heather.Benjamin@mesacounty.us