MCSO DUI Stats For 2013
Mesa County, Colo. -- DUI or DUID is the abbreviation for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol and/or Drug(s). Another acronym, MADD--Mothers Against Drunk Driving, established in 1980, taking their campaign national and bringing public awareness to the unnecessary dangers and consequences of driving under the influence of drug(s) and/or alcohol.
Thus it may be shocking to some that law enforcement continues to regularly arrest people for suspicious of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drug(s). The Denver Post reported for the 2013 Halloween weekend, across the state of Colorado, nearly 400 DUI/DUID arrests were made by multiple law enforcement agencies.

We laud all our deputies for their efforts to stop intoxicated drivers before they hurt innocent people or themselves. Our top ten deputies who took intoxicated drivers off the road in 2013 are: Deputy Roberts, Deputy Carnes, Deputy Lawrence, Deputy Cannon, Deputy Chadd, Deputy Gray, Deputy Montover, Deputy T. Marsh, Deputy Briggs and Deputy Parker.
If you suspect an intoxicated driver on the roads in Colorado, you can call *277 from a cell phone or in Mesa County, call 911 or non-emergency dispatch at 970.242.6707. And, some tips from Colorado State Patrol on spotting an intoxicated driver, click here. Reporting a suspected drunk driver to dispatch can and does save lives.