MESA COUNTY, Colo - Mesa County Sheriff's Office is now investigating whether the false threat made about Central High School yesterday morning is connected to other similar incidents across the country.
Investigators believe yesterday's incident is linked to a threat made against a Kansas City, Missouri high school Monday. Students at Oak Park High School were evacuated after an anonymous threat. The school was searched and nothing was found.
Mesa County Sheriff's investigators believe the false threats made to Central HS and Oak Park HS where made by the same person.
Investigators are now looking at similar incidents that occurred yesterday in Riverside, CA and today in Atlanta, GA for a possible connection and clues to the callers identity.
Mesa County Sheriff's Office is also investigating further into an anonymous phone call made Monday night into the Grand Junction Regional Communication Center warning of a potential threat to Central High School Tuesday. Deputies immediately followed up on the information and investigated it through the night. The threat was not substantiated. Despite that, extra deputies were stationed at the school Tuesday morning as a precaution. School started as normal. At 9:54 am another call came in threatening the school. While it is still early in the investigation, it appears the calls are connected.
Making a false report is a serious crime. We are working with other law enforcement agencies across the county to determine this person's identity.
For more information about yesterday's incident click here.