Happy New Year To 2014
Mesa County, Colo.-- Deputies are already out in force patrolling the streets of Mesa County along side our law enforcement partners from police agencies to Colorado State Patrol. It is after all New Year's Eve, with celebrating bashes happening around the world.
Be safe. Have fun. Be responsible.
MCSO Traffic Safety deputy was first on-scene, driver was likely drunk and/or high. |
The message is always, "Don't Drink and Drive." As the photo (below) from Florida area law enforcement says, we will be out on the roads tonight, too. Keep in mind, drugs and alcohol can also contribute greatly to serious personal injury, fights and assaults, as well as sex assaults. Just be kind to yourself and others, so we can all ring in 2014!
According to a Colorado DMV website, Colorado has two levels of alcohol-related driving offenses and both are based on the measurement of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in the body.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs (DUI): A DUI is the more serious offense of the two and has consequences that are extremely costly both to your wallet and to your diving privileges, and could potentially result in serious jail time.
A few DUI (alcohol and drug) statistics from our agency:
- July 2012 through December 2012: 59 DUI Arrests
- January-March 2013: 49 DUI Arrests/Average BAC 0.163 (twice the intoxicated limit to be charged with a DUI)/Average Age of person arrested 34 years old/of the 49 arrests, 60% were men and 40% were female
- April-June 2013: 56 DUI Arrests/Average BAC 0.185 (more than twice the intoxicated limit to be charged with a DUI)/Average Age of person arrested 33 years old/of the 56 arrests, 78% were men and 22% were female
- July-September 2013: 40 DUI Arrests/Average BAC 0.171 (more than twice the intoxicated limit to be charged with a DUI)/Average Age of person arrested 33 years old/of the 40 arrests, 65% were men and 35% were female
- For more information on penalties, driving suspension information and more, visit this website.
If you don't have a sober driver, don't have a safe place to stay and/or can't reach a friend to safely get you home...consider a cab service in Mesa County:
- K2 Taxi, PH: 970.242.4652
- Sunshine Taxi, PH: 970.245.8294