Agency & Deputies Receive Awards For DUI Enforcement
MCSO Agency Award |
Mesa County, Colo. -- On May 14, 2014, the Colorado Department of Transportation (along with other traffic safety partners) recognized our agency as "#1 among western slope agencies" who participated in the High Visibility Enforcement Campaign in 2013. At the same award ceremony, held in Mesa County, two of our agency deputies were also recognized for their individual efforts to get drunk and high drivers off the roads of Mesa County, in 2013. According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website, "Periodic high-intensity and sustained high-visibility enforcement efforts, are proven effective countermeasures for reducing impaired-driving fatalities."
Deputies Ben Carnes and Mike Roberts received the Traffic Safety Champion award for efforts done in 2013. For all of 2013, Deputy Roberts arrested 37 impaired drivers and Deputy Carnes arrested 36 impaired drivers, being the leading and second leading deputies within our agency to nab drunk and/or drugged drivers.
The Traffic Safety Champion award goes to an individual that shows outstanding support for impaired driving enforcement. This can be demonstrated by the number of citations written or arrests made during designated enforcement periods, or throughout the year. And, presenting quality education and safety programs, training to law enforcement in Drug Recognition Expertise, Standard Field Sobriety Testing, High Visibility Tactics, and/or other related activities.
Deputy Ben Carnes |
In 2013, Deputy Carnes was assigned to the agency's Traffic Safety Unit. A unit with an emphasis on traffic safety, enforcement and education. Deputy
Carnes is also a Drug Recognition Expert and Standard Field Sobriety Test instructor. He has conducted many trainings
, evaluations and consultations in those specialized fields across the Western Slope.
Deputy Mike Roberts |
Deputy Roberts has been assigned to patrol for many years, and when he isn't responding to emergency situations, he is most often seeking out impaired drivers. Though out his law enforcement career, Deputy Roberts has maintained the apprehension
of impaired drivers as a top priority, and whenever possible takes those suspected DUI and DUID arrests as opportunities to teach and mentor less experienced deputies in the techniques of observing and locating impaired drivers (and processing them). Deputy Roberts is also a Standard Field Sobriety Test Instructor, for our agency.
Last year, Deputy Jerry Gray received the 2012 Traffic Safety Champion award.
To report an impaired driver anywhere in Colorado, dial *CSP on your cell phone, or 911. You can also call non-emergency dispatch in Mesa County at (970) 242-6707. And, for other news and emergency situations happening across our area, be sure to follow us on Twitter @SheriffMesaColo using #MesaCounty and #GVCopbeat.