Friday, June 6, 2014

Warning To Those On The River


Mesa County, Colo. -- The public warning remains the same, inexperienced and irresponsible recreationists should remain off the rivers in Mesa County as the cold water temperatures, fast currents and debris in the rivers, continue to make it a dangerous environment for those with little to no experience in those high water conditions. Also, people on the rivers without life jackets and proper rafting or kayaking equipment are discouraged from recreating. Improper equipment will significantly increase your likelihood of experiencing a dangerous or life threatening situation, when you are already ill prepared for the conditions.

Experienced rafters and kayakers who are recreating on the rivers should be aware that free-board levels on many bridges in Mesa County are nearly non-existent. There may be little open space under the bridges that would be safe for experienced kayakers and rafters to go under.

For anyone to monitor weather conditions, water levels in the main creeks and rivers in Colorado, visit the Nation Weather Service website. Also, for road condition information that may be impacted by the high water levels, visit the Colorado Department of Transportation website.

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